I have two public events in Northwest Indiana at the end of April. Hope you can join!
Sunday, April 23, Green Door Books, 325 Main Street, Hobart, 2-4pm.
I'll be signing copies of The Gary Anthology, reading original work, and discussing the legacy of our very own Jean Shephard. Come out to Green Door and hear why I am The Region's number one Shep fan - that is, number 000001 fan.
And Thursday, April 27, I'll be leading a workshop about oral history interviewing tips at the Munster Branch of the Lake County Public Library, 8701 Calumet Avenue, Munster, 6-7:30pm.
Do you have any interest in family or local history? Do you work with a local business or organization that would like to better communicate your institutional history? This workshop is for you! This event is made possible thanks to the support of Indiana Humanities.